Meet Cherie


I am a Professional Photographer with over 25 years of experience covering various fields along the way.

Currently based in Sydney, but I love to travel.

My passion with the lens started over 30 years ago, where I fell in love with film and the many different ways I could capture the world around me.

Portraits and people became my obsession, forever fascinated with the discovery of light and what could be found through the viewfinder, creating a world of light and emotion !

Moving into the digital format I found I was gaining a much more diverse subject range. ...In recent years I have also discovered the enjoyment of photographing the land around us, and allowing me to explore a very different creative approach and finally discover the art of patience!

However, the excitement I feel shooting an action packed rock concert will always remain! Variety is what keeps me passionate in what I have always loved to do.

Whatever you may be looking for in your photographic needs or experience, I would love to discuss the many options that are available to you....

I look forward to meeting you!



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Please visit my portfolio to see what is available and contact me for further information and detailed pricing.